Current Phase: March 11th, 2022 to present
We are excited to announce that as of March 11th, 2022 the Province of BC has lifted the vaccination requirement for worship services, and has also lifted the mask requirements for most public indoor locations, churches included!
We will no longer be required to check vaccination status at the door, and we are not required to wear masks during services. When it comes to masks, Dr. Bonnie Henry has recommended masks still be worn in places where social distancing isn't possible, but it is up to each individual.
While we now have no provincial restrictions on operating our services, we still want to be mindful of each other to ensure everyone is comfortable during our services, so we are still asking everyone to be mindful of a few details listed below under "New way of attending."
During this pandemic many of us have experienced new fears and anxieties, and have been challenged by not being able to be together as a family during the many variations of government regulations. Even as we care for each other and respect the different level of comfortability each of us may have with these new rules, we are looking forward to being able to come back together as a whole community, and maybe to even see each other's faces!!
New way of attending:
no current mandates or restrictions
Effective March 11th, 2022, there are no capacity restrictions or mandates that effect Worship Services.
Masks are not required to be worn during our services. Dr. Bonnie Henry has recommended that where social distancing isn't possible, masks still be worn, but this is each person's personal choice.
When attending our in-person services, please also keep in mind:
- If you are feeling sick, please stay home. This is good to follow even if you have just a cold.
- Physical distancing is no longer required, but we would ask that you continue to give people space and check with someone before you hug them or get close as you are fellowshipping.
- Please make use of our automated hand sanitizing stations (just inside our main entrance door, in the entrance hall outside of the bathroom hallway, in the entrance to the sanctuary on the left wall), as well as the many other areas that bottles of hand sanitizer are provided.
If you have any questions, please look for someone from the Hospitality Team, who will be available to help you.
Cell Groups on Zoom and in-person
Cell Group is an important part of how we cultivate the spiritual community at Five Stones Church. You may be physically distanced but you are not alone. Stay in touch with your cell group, have bible studies, pray, etc., by phone, messaging and online conferencing platforms such as Zoom.
Want to join a cell group? Contact Pastor Jon or email us at
No need is too small. Get Help
Five Stones Church
Compassion Program
As a community church in the heart of New Westminster, we experienced the unprecedented sociological and economic impacts caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic. We understood that many of our church family members were affected or at risk, and as a church, we wanted to assist in practical ways to lift some of that burden.
Even though we have not been under Covid restrictions for quite a while now, we wanted to continue to support our community with our Compassion Program, using these funds to help people in need within the church, and also to help people in need in our community.
As a church, the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) regulates how we can dispense funds, which prevents us from giving direct grants of money or gift cards. However, we have assisted with purchasing groceries and other services for those we support.
Get Help:
If you are a member of Five Stones Church who is struggling please email Liz. Your request will remain confidential and anonymous. We will help you find aid to alleviate some of the stress by creatively helping with an essential need.
Ways to Give:
Online:, designate your donation to "Five Stones Church Compassion Program"
By Cheque: To "Five Stones Church", designate it to "Compassion Program". Mail your cheque to PO Box 47215 RPO Royal City, 288 East Columbia St, New Westminster, BC Canada V3L 0A5.
Interac e-Transfer:
Send to:
No password is required if your bank supports autodeposit
Add note to "Compassion Program"
1. For donors: Giving to the Five Stones Church Compassion Program is eligible for a 5SC donation tax receipt.
2. For recipients: The availability of is subject to the donations we receive. Assistance will be dispensed on an as-need basis and is only for active Five Stones Church members or other specifically designated people as church leadership chooses.
3. All donor & recipient information will remain confidential.
Never Stop
How can we pray for you?
Our Ministry Team remains available to support your prayer needs!
Text your prayer request to our Red Carpet Prayer Text Line. From 8am to 8pm, Monday - Friday, you can text your prayer request to 778-766-3898. You will receive a texted prayer response from one of our Ministry Team members.
Send in your prayer request at or fill out a Prayer Request card.
You can also join us in person at our Sunday services for Red Carpet prayer time during worship, and receive one-on-one prayer from our Ministry Team.
All of our online giving options will continue to be available for your convenience. You can continue to use the online giving link or send in cheques to us at PO Box 47215 RPO Royal City, 288 East Columbia St, New Westminster, BC, V3L 0A5.
In addition, you can give downloading the Church Center app to give online.
(For help on downloading and using the app, click here.