Get Equipped
In Matthew 28:19 Jesus says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Courses & Resources:
The Encounter Series (E-classes) »
Bible Literacy Initiative:
Old Testament Bible Studies »
Prophetic Conference 2019 »
The Encounter Series (E-classes)
The Encounter Series is a ministry equipping tract for all Five Stones Church members. It's composed of 4 interactive workshops:
E1 - The Culture of Five Stones Church: Learn about our DNA and how we implement "Gospel • Disciple • Influence". Completion of E1 is required for becoming a member of Five Stones Church.
E2 - Going Deeper: Learn about becoming a gospel-centered person, and be empowered through the baptism of the Holy Spirit and receiving of the Spirit's gifts.
E3 - Running the Bases: Wholeness: Pursue wholeness by hearing the Father's heart and getting restored.
E4 - The Lord's Prayer & Reaching Out: Winning people to Christ
We offer the Encounter Series periodically throughout the year.
Bible Literacy Initiative: Old Testament Bible Studies
by Jim McCracken & Rich Kao
Designed to help all Christians improve their Bible literacy and orthodoxy, download these FREE self-guided Old Testament Bible study guides for your own study and devotional:
Genesis to Deuteronomy
Job to Song of Songs
Isaiah to Daniel
Prophetic Conference 2019 - Teaching Sessions
Day 1
Knowing How God Communicates (Listen) / Ben Goodman
Protective Approach For Prophecy (Listen) / Greg Miller
Walking in My Prophetic Word While Living in a Corporate Vision (Listen) / Greg Miller
Day 2
Barnabas: World Class Prophet (Listen) / Rich Kao
Haggai: Gift of Repentance Helps Equip Kingdom-Advancing Church (Listen) / Ben Goodman
David: Fathered by God (Listen) / Ben Goodman
Day 3
Standing in the Gates of Influence (Listen) / Greg Miller
Prophecy, Spiritual Warfare and the Great Commission (Listen) / Ben Goodman
How to Minister Prophetically in the Gates of Influence (Listen) / Greg Miller